The Samin Index

Number of amarena gelati consumed today: 1

Percentage of the food consumed today that was disproportionately high in caffeine: 89.6

Number of Harper's received in the past 6 months: 0

Number of bookstores gone to in search of a guide book about Pakistan: 4

Number of guide books about Pakistan found: 0

Number of times we had to open all of the windows to air out the house because T boiled an entire head of cauliflower that I put in his refrigerator over a month ago: 1

Number of degrees, in Farenheit, of the temperature here currently: 45

Apparent highest number of degrees, in Farenheit, of the temperature here in the next 10 days: 60

Number of degrees, in Farenheit, of the temperature in Islamabad currently: 83

Number of embassadors to Italy spoken with today: 1

Number of days until I go to Roma to get my visa: 6

Number of countries hoped to visit in the next 12 weeks (not including Italy or USA): 4

Percentage of these countries to which I have never been: 75

Number of samosas hoped to consume in the next 12 weeks: 563

Number of times I could read the Shouts & Murmers in the NYer about soda and laugh until I fall off my chair: Infinite