Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat classes at 18 Reasons
I am SO EXCITED to announce that I'm returning to 18 Reasons to teach Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat!
Take as many or few classes as you like, but the series is designed as an immersion and elements of each class will interplay with the others to give you a comprehensive understanding of cooking. I'll be teaching two full rounds of the series between now and the end of the year, so sign up for what you can, and don't despair if you can't snag a spot this time around.
I'm also just so excited to be back in the kitchen with students after two long years of writing down and organizing everything I know about Salt, Fat, Acid, and Heat. Writing the book has made me a million times the teacher, because I've had to crystallize all of my thoughts, dig deep into the science behind my cooking know-how, and distill the most powerful nuggets of wisdom from 15 years in the kitchen.
(And before you ask, the book is on its way....I'm revising my manuscript right now. The book will be released next spring!)
Here are the full details and sign-up links:
Sunday, May 10: SALT
Sunday, June 14: FAT
Sunday, June 28: ACID
Sunday, July 26: HEAT