bakesale for haiti

Cupcakes!, originally uploaded by *snapdragon.

bakesale for haiti

what: bringing our food community together to raise lots of money for Partners-in-Health, an incredible organization that's been doing great work in Haiti for many, many years. they already have a strong infrastructure in place to get help out to the people who need it most.
when: saturday, january 23rd from 10 am-2 pm
where: we now have three locations!!
Oakland: Pizzaiolo
5008 Telegraph Ave.
Berkeley: Gioia Pizzeria
1586 Hopkins St.
San Francisco: Bi-Rite Market
3639 18th Street at Guererro
how: it's easy! come spend a little money on something sweet (or savory). in fact, come prepared to spend a lot! we'll have baked goods from all of your favorite bay area bakeries, as well as many generous and talented home bakers from throughout the community! we'll also have a few non-sweets for sale, such as handmade canned goods and lovingly knitted scarves and hats!

we want to make big bucks for our brothers and sisters in haiti, so our fundraising goal is $10,000. can one little bakesale help make a difference? we think so!!!

all of the money we raise will be donated to dr. paul farmer's partners-in-health (PIH).

please check out partners-in-health, oxfam international, and doctors without borders for more information!

send an email to saminnosrat {at} yahoo {dot} come if you'd like to bake something or help out in some other way, such as manning or womanning one of the tables.

and please spread the word! send the invitation to everyone you know!
see you there!!

more great news:
i talked to charlie today and he said that pizzaiolo will donate 100% of all proceeds from baked goods sold at the restaurant on saturday 1/23 to help our bakesale reach our fundraising goal of $10,000!!!

even more great news:
john friend, the founder of the style of yoga i practice called Anusara, has generously offered to match funds up to $5,000 for all who come and mention "Anusara" or "John Friend!"