coming back to life
well, it wasn't the worst illness i've ever had, but this bout with the flu definitely ranks up there. only now, after a full week of being sick, can i really imagine ever feeling fully human again.
things that have made me really happy this week:
a few new books, including the principles of uncertainty, secret ingredients (thanks, alice!), made in italy, and the oxford companion to italian food. there is a really beautiful story in the nyer book by mfk fisher called "the trouble with tripe." she really is one of the most talented people to ever write about food.
after thirteen painful months of crashing, my computer finally kicked the bucket, and miraculously, apple (perhaps just sick of my endless, nagging phone calls) gave me a brand new one. but since they don't make ibooks anymore, and the macbooks only come with 13" screens and my ibook had a 14" screen, they felt it necessary to give me a 15" macbook pro. and they refunded my applecare.
the science of sleep--perhaps my favorite movie, ever.
i've been eating lots of cara cara and blood oranges.
wait wait and nyer podcasts
december polls: at the market
annabelle's puntarelle and crazy sqaush
terra firma and riverdog carrots
full belly chocolate persimmons
full belly spinach
star route fennel
star route nettles
catalan cauliflower
dirty girl speckled romaine
riverdog red kabocha squash
woodleaf satsumas
flatland flower farm red roma apples
riverdog chard
get well soon
Soupe de poulet? (préparation), originally uploaded by Christophe Mendes.
i love this photo, with all of the fixins for a big, beautiful pot of chicken soup. look at those chicken legs wrapped with leek tops! so lovely.
everyone i know is ill right now--i've been narrowly avoiding getting sick by eating about five thousand mandarins a day. the best ones i've had have been from riverdog, monterey market, and woodleaf farm. i can't believe citrus is so sweet already.
a friend who claims to be clairevoyant (and another who claims not to be) both told me this week that they think my big project is going to pay off big time next year. i'm trying not to think about it. (my friends are on crack, by the way).
i had the best dinner (with the sweetest of my friends) at nopa last night. gosh, it was so good. everything was seasoned so perfectly. i only wish the broccoli had been cooked a little more slowly in the wood oven, but even as it was, it was delicious. and the mural by brian barneclo is bright and blocky--i could look at it for hours. if i lived nearby (and didn't work in a restaurant), i'd probably eat there at least once a week. so, so good.
sorry for the randomness....