The Best Bean Cookbooks, According to Omnivore

I asked my friends at my favorite bookstore, Omnivore Books, for some bean book recommendations, and here's what they suggested:



Clockwise, from top left:
Heirloom Beans by Steve Sando and Vanessa Barrington
Bean by Bean by Crescent Dragonwagon
Super Natural Cooking by Heidi Swanson
Twelve Recipes by Cal Peternell
The Art of Simple Food by Alice Waters
Super Natural Every Day by Heidi Swanson

Other Books Omnivore Carries That I Highly Recommend for #beanmonth, and Life in General:


Clockwise, from top left: 
Heritage by Sean Brock
The Inspired Vegan by Bryant Terry
An Everlasting Meal by Tamar Adler
Gran Cocina Latina: The Food of Latin America by Maricel E. Presilla
The Vegetarian Flavor Bible by Karen Page
The Cooking of Southwest France by Paula Wolfert

Omnivore has loads of these books, signed copies, and rare and antiquarian cookbooks and will ship anywhere in the world.  To purchase, call the store between the hours of 11am and 6pm, Tuesday-Saturday, 12pm-5pm Sunday at 415.282.4712.

p.s. I am purposely refraining from linking to Amazon in this post, so if you don't want to support Omnivore, then go support your own local brick & mortar independent bookstore this time!

coming back to life

Thistles, originally uploaded by karin eriksson.

well, it wasn't the worst illness i've ever had, but this bout with the flu definitely ranks up there. only now, after a full week of being sick, can i really imagine ever feeling fully human again.

things that have made me really happy this week:

a few new books, including the principles of uncertainty, secret ingredients (thanks, alice!), made in italy, and the oxford companion to italian food. there is a really beautiful story in the nyer book by mfk fisher called "the trouble with tripe." she really is one of the most talented people to ever write about food.

after thirteen painful months of crashing, my computer finally kicked the bucket, and miraculously, apple (perhaps just sick of my endless, nagging phone calls) gave me a brand new one. but since they don't make ibooks anymore, and the macbooks only come with 13" screens and my ibook had a 14" screen, they felt it necessary to give me a 15" macbook pro. and they refunded my applecare.

the science of sleep--perhaps my favorite movie, ever.

i've been eating lots of cara cara and blood oranges.

wait wait and nyer podcasts

builder's booksource

one of my favorite shops is builder's booksource. i could spend hours in there. and i have.

speaking of green stuff (a few posts back), they have piles and piles of books on building and designing eco-friendly homes. i only wish building or designing a home were something i were concerned with these days. but they have lots of books that have nothing to do with that, and seem to be made for lay people like me just to stare at for hours on end. art books, travel books, gifts, journals, calendars. so, so much. it all makes me want to be an architect.

here are some of my favorites from my most recent visit:
atlas schmatlas

heath ceramics: the complexity of simplicity

moroccan interiors

markets of paris

paris, restaurants and more

builder's booksource
1817 4th st.
berkeley, ca 94710

there's also a location in san francisco.

p.s. i once got an ant farm there. so cool!